Friday, August 7, 2015

A Guy Swallows Sword?

            Firstly, make sure you didn’t have a heart attack before you read this.We are in a shock situation when we knew there’s a man who can swallow a sword in this world. We as a normal human can get choked when we eat a fish-bone, but that guy can swallow a long sword just like that.

          Last week we already told you about a crazy pilot that crashes aircraft and this week we will reveal a story about a man who can puts a sword into his mouth. The guy who did this extraordinary things is named Dan Mayer. His abilities to swallow dozens of real and sharp sword until embedded into his chest has given impact to the whole world.  There are variety of sword from different side and the long of sword. How can he do such things without hurting himself? This is so unbelievable because this is not a magic show.
This action is so dangerous for normal people like us especially for kids because they might emulate the action.

                                                                                                       Video of Dan Mayer in America's Got Talent

Dan Mayer crowned as World Record Sword Swallower for 35 times.These are half of Dan Mayer’s achievement:
  • §   On 31 January 2010 in TV shows Superhuman Stan Lee in History Channel, he ordered a blacksmith to insert a hot sword which is still burning like molten lava with a temperature above 1500 degree Celsius in his throat.
  • §   He also ever made a history by swallowing sword in a tank filled with 86 sharks and stingrays.
  • §   On 8 April 2011, he swallows 15 swords at once including 6 antique sword which is aged 100 years ago. The size of the antique sword is giant-size which is owned by world champion sword swallowing named Edith Clifford in 1890. A year later, he broke his own personal record by inserting 21 sword at once in his throat.
  • §   He also pull a mini cooper car in 2003 by using the sword that swallowed by him. The way that he did was by inserting a 46 cm sword into his throat and a rope was tied healthy between the tip of the sword and the tip of cars.

The X-ray picture of a sword that embedded inside Dan Mayer's body 

              A lecturer at Pejabat Sains Asas, the faculty of health science from University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Professor Dr. Zulkhairi Haji Amom said that there is no secret behind his action. It relies on exercises in manipulating and controlling certain organs in order to insert objects into the mouth. Dr. Zulkhairi explain that the structure of the body in the normal position. The position of the head and neck is in a horizontal condition that cause esophagus drain downward into shape. But, if we look up upward our drain opening of the mouth through the threat into the esophagus is a straight line. In this such position, is fundamentally on how one can incorporate any straight material into the mouth up to channel through the esophagus.
              So, we also think that this amazing guy never hurt his body with a sharp and long sword. So readers, do visit our blog next week for more interesting story! 


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