Sunday, September 6, 2015

An Advance Little Boy

           Most of today's children are more vulnerable to gadget over time increasingly sophisticated while in India, a children had managed to set foot on the base camp of Mount Everest.

Harshit Saumitra was on the base camp of Mount Everest

          In 2012, a five year old boy was climbing Everest with support from parents to get to the top of the mountain.

          Harshit Saumitra’s parents tried to register his name in the Guinness World Records and the Limca Book of Records for being the youngest climber to reach the base camp of Mount Everest, five days after he achieved the feat. The father said Harshit Saumitra's pictures of reaching the base camp, video clippings and his birth certificate would be sent to the Guinness World Records and the Limca Book of Records offices.

          Even in the same year there were seven years old boy broke the record but Harshit Saumitra’s father insisted that his son is also entitled to a name in the Guinness World Records and the Limca Book of Records.

         In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages in the act of Harshit Saumitra’s parents. Parents should educate their children so that they would not waste their time with things that are not beneficial. At least Harshit Saumitra will be able to give encouragement to the other children to try something new and challenging. In this way, they can strengthen the intellectual stamina and brain. But the disadvantages of their action. Among the deficiencies in their actions is that they have endangered the lives of their children, because the weather was too cold and the altitude of the mountain that is not suitable to be climbed by children.

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