Thursday, October 15, 2015



                    In conclusion, we are pleased to completed the task sucessfully that assigned by our lecturer. During the assignment, we have learn on how to use grammar correctly and make sentences regularly. Furthermore, a topic that we do is the ordinary things have opened up our minds to know the amazing thing in the world. As we know, the world is small, but a lot of the incredible things happens. Therefore, we also need to do research to find out what's going on out there.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Clever Man

Kim Peeks, the clever man.

              Dear readers, this is our last story to complete tasks assigned by the lecturer. Our latest title is a clever man in the world. His name is Kim Peeks. He was born on November 11, 1951. He has a remarkable memory as can be given from the age of 16-20 months. He actually diagnose FG syndrome. He read books, memorized them then placed them on the shelf to show that he had finished read them. For him, the local library is Kim's favorite place in the world.

              Kim Peeks can remember everything that he has been read from the first word until the last word exactly like a book that have estimate 360,000 words. For him, he can read a book within ten seconds meanwhile we have to read at least 3 minutes.

              He reads the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye and will retain about 98% of it. He took 15 subjects, but he did not know how to solve math problems. According to an article in The Times newspaper, he could accurately recall the contents of at least 12,000 books.

              In 2008, he probably had FG syndrome which causes physical anomalies such as hypertonia (low muscle tone) and macrocephaly (an abnormally large head). On 19 December 2009, he was dead of a heart attack at the age of 58 years.

               In conclusion, we as students want to have a strong memory like him. If we have memory like him, we can pass the examinations easily. On the whole, we should emulate the attitude of diligent reading the book to increase our knowledge. Therefore, we need to make him as a role model to success in the future.

The Iceman

              Hi, recently we have read an article titled ice man. It is an amazing life when people can stay in the coolest air or water in a long hours without clothes. This news has caught our attention and we want to share it with you guys.

             This guy named Wim Hof. He was born in 1959 and he was from the Netherlands. He also holds the world record. His superiority is swimming in the large distances under polar ice, running a marathon barefoot to climbing the Everest in nothing more than a pair of shorts.

              In 2007, he climb Mount Everest with wearing only shorts but at 6.7 km he failed to reach the summit due to injury in his leg. In 2008, he broke his previous world's record by staying immersed in ice for 1 hour, 13 minutes and 48 seconds at Guinness World Records. In 2009, he participated in the marathon in Finland with wearing shorts and reach the finish line with a time of 5 hours 25 minutes.

              Furthermore, in 2010 Wim Hof ​​broke a record in Tokyo, Japan by standing on ice for 1 hour 52 minutes and 42 seconds. Finally, in 2011 he also ran a full marathon in the Namib Desert without water. The run was performed under the supervision of Dr. Thijs Eijsvogels.

               As the conclusion, what was done by Wim Hof ​​really impressed us. Most people can take action, such as Wim Hof ​​but for us there are limits. For us, we can only hold an ice cube in a while because we cannot withstand the cold of the ice cube. So amazing because he has the ability to withstand cold very high.

Wim Hof in the glass of ice cube.
He was sitting on Mount Everest.

In the Mount Everest.

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Corset Queen

         Hello readers have been long days we did not update this blog. Today we want to tell you about a woman who was wearing a tight corset tailored fit.

Cathie Jung with a waist size of mere 15 inches.

             As we know, this woman had broken the world record by wearing tight corsets in size according her body size. Her name is Cathie Jung, she was born in 1937. She was married and has three children.
Cathie Jung's dream is to have a small waist and her husband supported her decision. However, their children did not like the idea and decided to leave home.

            She has been practicing wearing a corset all day without opening except when the weather is hot and she want to clean yourself. Her first corset was made by Ruth which is the corset measuring 22 inch. Then, in 1986 she made a goal to wear corsets that are 20 inch width and wore a 19 inch corset tight at the ball.

           In addition, Cathie has also gained the attention from social media among European and US television shows. She also flew to Tokyo for a guest appearance on a Japanese television show. She has also became more popular because of her picture was spread on the pages of The New York Times style section and Life Magazine while she worked in the movie Cremaster 2 by Mathew

Cathie Jung as a guest at popular television shows.

          In conclusion, we know that there are a lot of women out there dying to get an ideal figures. But, in our opinion, do not to be obsessed to get a slim and beautiful body that detrimental to ourselves. And of course we salute her as she seeks to achieve what is desired although she is old already.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Longest Fingernails

          Hey guys, do you want to know something? In This world, there’s a people that save their fingernails around 30 years. Do you know how long their nails are? Have you ever wonder how they eat, drive, shower and ect with that long fingernails? As a human that must be difficult to do their routine life every day.

Lee Redmond and Melvin Boothe awarded as The Longest Fingernail Ever in the World Book of Record.

         Since 1979, Lee Redmond take care of her fingernails like a baby for 30 years. Unfortunately, her nail was destroyed after involved in an accident. For her, it is just not a normal fingernail, its like her identity since it is most thing she love. She felt like losing the whole life. Imagine you losing someone you really love and have been together for 30 years? It is awful and tragic.

           Even with negative comments from people around her, she still continues to keep her nail. She doesn’t care about other people. She has a mind-set that we just need to do the things that we love in order to be happy.
           In conclusion, our opinion is we cannot keep our fingernails long because cleanliness is a priority in Islam. Apart from that, keep nails long would interfere with our daily routine. Other than that, dust and dirt from environment can stick on our nail. This will cause your nails will become dirty and we are easily infected with various diseases. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

An Advance Little Boy

           Most of today's children are more vulnerable to gadget over time increasingly sophisticated while in India, a children had managed to set foot on the base camp of Mount Everest.

Harshit Saumitra was on the base camp of Mount Everest

          In 2012, a five year old boy was climbing Everest with support from parents to get to the top of the mountain.

          Harshit Saumitra’s parents tried to register his name in the Guinness World Records and the Limca Book of Records for being the youngest climber to reach the base camp of Mount Everest, five days after he achieved the feat. The father said Harshit Saumitra's pictures of reaching the base camp, video clippings and his birth certificate would be sent to the Guinness World Records and the Limca Book of Records offices.

          Even in the same year there were seven years old boy broke the record but Harshit Saumitra’s father insisted that his son is also entitled to a name in the Guinness World Records and the Limca Book of Records.

         In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages in the act of Harshit Saumitra’s parents. Parents should educate their children so that they would not waste their time with things that are not beneficial. At least Harshit Saumitra will be able to give encouragement to the other children to try something new and challenging. In this way, they can strengthen the intellectual stamina and brain. But the disadvantages of their action. Among the deficiencies in their actions is that they have endangered the lives of their children, because the weather was too cold and the altitude of the mountain that is not suitable to be climbed by children.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Our Future Home- Egg Coffin

Before this, we only told you guys about extraordinary and strange people or things. But, for this week, we will talk about extraordinary thing that created by human.

As we know, grave is the place that we bury people who died. But this picture is a FOREST!
 If you think this is just a normal forest, nope! You are wrong. This is actually a green cemetery.
This idea was created by Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel, the designer from Italy. They create an innovation of a cemetery.

 Capsula Mundi is a container, shaped like an egg. It made from a modern material -starch plastic- in which the dead body is put in a fetal position, just like we in our mom womb. Capsula Mundi is planted like a seed in the soil, and a tree is planted on top of it. The tree is chosen when the person is alive, relatives and friends look after it when death occurs. A cemetery will no longer be full of tombstones and will become a sacred forest. Trees planted above them would suck their nutrients and grow.

By planting different kinds of trees next to each other it creates a place for a beautiful walk and a reminder of our loved ones. 

"Capsula Mundi designed purpose is to curb the rampant felling of trees and makes us love nature"
We guess both of them have a such great ideas to remember of our loved who have died. In addition, we  may increase more oxygen in the presence of many green trees because the issue of cutting down trees for the benefits of human are becoming more common. Therefore, we have to take care of the flora and fauna for the benefit of all and the law should be tightened so that illegal loggers can be eradicated. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Spider-man Do Exist!

The Amazing Of Spider-man

             Hi readers! How long we have not updated our blog isn’t it? We hope that you are all waiting to read our new story for this week. Prior to that, did you guys ever watch the movie Spider-man? Of course, you did and you knew about the superhero. But what you see is only the fiction. Today, we want to show you the Spider-man in reality. We are going to share to you about two different guys who can climb buildings. Here we go... 

               So, this is one of the superhero, Spider-man in reality.  His name is Jyoti Raju and he is 27 years old. He comes from India. He was well received by the public with an air of rugged climb a wall without any safety devices. Before we tell you more about him, let's watch the video below.

              Would not you surprised to see the video? What you see is not a fiction. But it was real. He has the power of a strong hand, has a well-built body and a flexible body. As we know, such as walk-climbing adventure game that has a lifeline for doing so. But he did not use rope or safety equipment to do so. He is so amazing.

                In addition, he also made a very interesting movement when climbing the walls. Surely we will wonder how he can perform it. However, let us not emulate him because he already has his own skills through continuous training and have strong and active bodies.

                 Alain Robert has the ability to climbs the structures of the building which the top reached the highest status in the world without using any safety aid and only uses his strength of his feet and his hands. He started climbing the building after watching a story entitled ‘The Grieving Snow’ that tells about two siblings who rescue people in Mountain Mont Blanc. Hence, he determined to be more adventurous. He uses lime powder to prevent his hand from sweating and tied at the waist for easy to carry. Besides that, he also use the part of the building arise such as iron and window frames to climb buildings. This man is so unusual because he never have the sense of vertigo. Other than that, more than 100 buildings  managed to climb by Robert such as Eiffel Tower, Opera House in Sydney,  Montparnasse Tower in Paris, Willis Tower in Chicago and many more.
                 Amongst Alain Robert’s new record is in April 2015, Alain Robert successfully climbs of 1007 feet building within 70 minutes of the turning building which is the world’s tallest building in Dubai successfully. Next, through continuous training and keep a healthy lifestyle can make his body constantly stay fit and strong. In September 2009, once again he did climb the Petronas Twin Tower for the third time.  Robert made it to climb to the top of the tower without any help of harness. In addition to the successful construction conquer skyscrapers, Robert received numerous awards and among them is the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest climber of Burj Khalifa in 2011.

                  In conclusion, the advantages possessed by both of them are very impressive. They can be considered as spider-man. To the readers, if you have your own talent do not hide it but pull out them and show it to others. For us, they are so brave to do such extraordinary things and we should follow their courageous attitude to face our life. That’s all from us. Thank you for visiting our blog. Don’t forget to read our entry next week.

Friday, August 7, 2015

A Guy Swallows Sword?

            Firstly, make sure you didn’t have a heart attack before you read this.We are in a shock situation when we knew there’s a man who can swallow a sword in this world. We as a normal human can get choked when we eat a fish-bone, but that guy can swallow a long sword just like that.

          Last week we already told you about a crazy pilot that crashes aircraft and this week we will reveal a story about a man who can puts a sword into his mouth. The guy who did this extraordinary things is named Dan Mayer. His abilities to swallow dozens of real and sharp sword until embedded into his chest has given impact to the whole world.  There are variety of sword from different side and the long of sword. How can he do such things without hurting himself? This is so unbelievable because this is not a magic show.
This action is so dangerous for normal people like us especially for kids because they might emulate the action.

                                                                                                       Video of Dan Mayer in America's Got Talent

Dan Mayer crowned as World Record Sword Swallower for 35 times.These are half of Dan Mayer’s achievement:
  • §   On 31 January 2010 in TV shows Superhuman Stan Lee in History Channel, he ordered a blacksmith to insert a hot sword which is still burning like molten lava with a temperature above 1500 degree Celsius in his throat.
  • §   He also ever made a history by swallowing sword in a tank filled with 86 sharks and stingrays.
  • §   On 8 April 2011, he swallows 15 swords at once including 6 antique sword which is aged 100 years ago. The size of the antique sword is giant-size which is owned by world champion sword swallowing named Edith Clifford in 1890. A year later, he broke his own personal record by inserting 21 sword at once in his throat.
  • §   He also pull a mini cooper car in 2003 by using the sword that swallowed by him. The way that he did was by inserting a 46 cm sword into his throat and a rope was tied healthy between the tip of the sword and the tip of cars.

The X-ray picture of a sword that embedded inside Dan Mayer's body 

              A lecturer at Pejabat Sains Asas, the faculty of health science from University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Professor Dr. Zulkhairi Haji Amom said that there is no secret behind his action. It relies on exercises in manipulating and controlling certain organs in order to insert objects into the mouth. Dr. Zulkhairi explain that the structure of the body in the normal position. The position of the head and neck is in a horizontal condition that cause esophagus drain downward into shape. But, if we look up upward our drain opening of the mouth through the threat into the esophagus is a straight line. In this such position, is fundamentally on how one can incorporate any straight material into the mouth up to channel through the esophagus.
              So, we also think that this amazing guy never hurt his body with a sharp and long sword. So readers, do visit our blog next week for more interesting story! 


Friday, July 31, 2015

A Weird Pilot

              Hi everyone, we are going to tell you a new story about a weird pilot for our second entry.

            Guys, don't you think it is insane for a successful pilot to intentionally crashing an aircraft piloted by him? This is real. The incident happened at the mountain of Alps, France. It is extraordinary things right? The German-wings brought 150 passenger and crew from Barcelona, Spain to Dusseldorf, German. 

           New York Times reported that the black box recording showed one of the pilots had left the cockpit and could not get back in because the captain refuse to re-open the door. It is also recorded that the passenger began to scream just before the aircraft crashed.

           The conclusion of the story is we know that the rate of the airplane's destruction has occurred on a large scale in this world including our country. We cannot blame anyone in this world about the incident. What happen in this world has doomed by God. No matter what we need to accept it. But in this case, we do not agree with his action because he has involved many lives of innocent people that killed in plane crash. He as the pilot should think about the passenger’s life because they have their own beloved family who waits for them. He should think about passenger’s family feelings.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Miracle After Accident

             Hi reader, today we are going to share about something miracle that happens 3 years ago. Even though this incident happened in Malaysia, but most of us doesn’t know about her. This is about a girl from Kelantan, her name is Noraini Ismail. She got involved in an accident when she was 17 years old and the uncanny ability occurred after four days she was involved in a motorcycle accident when she was on her way home from school.

          After 11 hours of coma in ICU Hospital USM Kubang Kerian, she has the ability to speak Korean and Mandarin fluently. Her whole family and also a Chinese doctor who works for 17 years were shocked about her because this situation is seldom happening. The first thing that came out from her mouth after coma is “omma, byul juseyo” which means mom, water please from her mother. Her mother did not understand what was spoken by her daughter. At first her family were shocked about her but eventually they get use with her ability to speak other languages.

         She uses her specialty to teach others in these languages until now. This is one of the extraordinary things that we found in Malaysia. When Allah said "Kun Faya Kun" nothing is impossible if it’s meant to be. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015



 Assalammualaikum and Hi!
  We are Nurshazlin, Nurfitrah Aulia, Anis Madihah, Farah Amirah and Wisnu Kurniawan. We are from Section 15. The reason we created this blog were to carry out the tasks that given by our lecturer, Miss Azlin Shah. We chose extraordinary and strange things as our main topic. We will share with you lots of extraordinary things, people, a habit and act that exist around the world. We named our blog travelquaver because we like to find a story about the extraordinary and weird things worldwide. Also to fulfill our dream to travel abroad and meet with various kinds of people. We will try our best to write an interesting story for you guys! Hope you guys enjoy our blog! :D